Directed by Maxence Stamatiadis
- genre Transmedia installation
- duration 9 x 10 minutes
- status diffusion
- release 2021
What if your life changed right now? What if all your anxieties disappeared? Weight, family, existential doubts... Gone in the blink of an eye thanks to abetterself.fr. The program is ready-made! Be happy, be yourself. Be a better self! This whimsical tagline is the foundation of abetterself.fr, a work at the crossroads of different media, invoking video and questioning web communication strategies to apply them to the field of art.
- Partenaires financiers CNC DICRéAM, Région Haute France, Région Occitanie
- 65ème Salon de Montrouge pour les artistes contemporains
- Exposition Jeune Création, Pantin Section Vidéo